Garda Vetting
All parents/guardians who wish to help with school-based activities, sporting events, tours, etc .... MUST be Garda vetted.
If you are not already Garda vetted for Inchicore N.S., you will need to complete an NVB1 form.
Garda vetting is valid for three years. If you wish to check whether your vetting is still in date, please contact the school office and we will check the files.
Completing the form
1. Call into the school office to collect an NVB1 form or you can download a form using the link below.
2. Complete sections 1 and 2 of the Vetting Invitation Form (NVB1). The school will complete section 3 and sign as the contact person. When answering Role Being Vetted For, please put in ‘School tours and assisting with classes’.
3. Bring in the form with two forms of ID that total 100 points to the school office. There is a points system of verification of identity where 100 points must be reached. Please see the ‘Proof of Identity’ link below that shows the points for each form of identification. One form of identification should be photographic. The school will photocopy these IDs and return them to you.
Proof of Identity Checklist
4. The school will be informed if individual vetting applications have been successful and will retain for records.
We rely on the goodwill and help of parents and therefore appreciate your efforts to get Garda Vetted.
Inchicore National School, Sarsfield Rd. Inchicore, Dublin 10, Eircode D10V963 | Phone: (01) 453 6505