Role of Parents

It is widely recognised that parents have a key role to play in their children’s education. Parents are their children’s first educators and it is with parents that children have the closest personal, emotional and social ties. The care and attention children receive from parents and the example they are given have a powerful influence on their formation.
Parents support our school in the promotion of positive behaviour and the maintenance of high standards of behaviour by:
- Being aware of and cooperating with the school’s system of rewards and sanctions.
- Ensuring their children are at school on time.
- Attending meetings at the school if requested.
- Helping their children with homework and ensuring that it is completed.
- Ensuring their children have the necessary books and materials for school.
Inchicore National School, Sarsfield Rd. Inchicore, Dublin 10, Eircode D10V963 | Phone: (01) 453 6505